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Decision Making Tools [UX]

Decision Making Tools

[UX Design]


To revamp the Decision Making Tools (DMTs), online quizzes that are also personalized forms of education and learning materials, to increase by 150K sessions to the learn section per month and monitor an increase of quiz completion rates from 64% to 80% by end of year. The proposed solution would be a new, templated, tool in Django, with a new UI/UX design to drive user completion.

My proposed user flow for the Birth Control DMT.

My proposed user flow for the Birth Control DMT.


UX analysis on the quizzes:

  • Doesn’t look like the site itself, it feels like it’s designed for mobile and not optimized for desktop

  • Learn More CTA links are all broken

  • No clear hierarchy of action on the results page

  • No progress bar shown as you work through the questions

  • Star rating information should be kept for BC, but needs additional explanation

  • Demographic information is asked too early in the flow and is a cause of drop-out

Technical audit:

  • DMT quizzes are really hard to edit without development

  • Currently hidden within site and hard to find

  • They are optimized for SEO

Analysis on the topics within the Learn section:

  • In 2018, accumulated an average of 118,294 sessions per month, and holding steadily along that range each month

  • A little over 40% who complete our quizzes fit into the target demographic of 18-29 year olds

  • A good portion of users identify themselves as Hispanic (approximately 20%), which may be a case to have the quizzes translated in Spanis


UX Discovery Audit

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DMT Question Audit

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